13.75" (9.25 cutting edge), Sandvik 14C28N Stainless Steel, Nickel Patina.
Redheart with Mammoth Molar inlay, copper pins, black liners, #102
March 2024
Redheart with Mammoth Molar inlay, copper pins, black liners, #102
March 2024
Hollow grind. This knife is big and rugged. It has a beautiful curvy spine with the point rising slightly. Copper pins and tube with black, red and copper accents complement the redheart wood. The spine of the blade has been hammered and ground for effect. The blade also sports a bright nickel matte finish. The handle has been finished in a matte finish (including copper) and a HUGE hunk of Mammoth molar completes the look of this rugged and functional knife.
[note: the handle is excellent in multiple ways.]

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