8" (4" cutting edge), AEB-L Stainless Steel
Richlite, Brain Coral inlay, Brass accents, #112

June 2024
This knife began its existence when I decided to take a bird and trout that I had already cut out and make it into something else. It is not a mistake. I sketched and fretted over this knife quite a bit. Sometimes I will get to a place where I have to chunk a knife and start from scratch - but this one emerged triumphant. It pleased me. Its very short handle and proportionately long blade are in good balance. I like the feel of it. I gave it double jimping because - Why not?. Lord Almighty the brain coral inlay is cool - a first for me. And it has such a skinny sexy neck. Gorgeous.
Email comments or questions to: info@norrisknives.com.
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